Next to Stok'd

Agency: Angry Butterfly
Client: Stokd


Cannabis sales are legal in Canada. Cannabis advertising? Not so much. In fact, the entire industry is highly regulated. Furthermore, social platforms (such as Meta and Google) and other media channels (OOH/radio) have sophisticated filters in place to screen out any advertising that promotes cannabis. So how does a regional cannabis chain promote their stores? One-line Key Insight/Creative Launchpad: Bookstores, nail salons, etc actually have a lot more in common with cannabis retailers than you would first think, in what they offer customers. One-line Idea: When you can’t advertise your store, advertise your neighbours. Execution: The 21+ aged, adult targeted, geo-gated, 'Next to Stok'd' campaign bypassed the restrictive laws and media filters by promoting their neighbours which just happened to be next door to Stok'd stores.