Marmite Hate Activated

Agency: U-Studio/OLIVER
Client: Marmite

With Marmite you know you are working with one of Britian’s most famous advertising ideas: You either Love It or Hate It. So the challenge is not a new idea but a fresh expression. And our audience of First-Timers – people who had never tried Marmite - helped us unlock it.

If a brand tells you that you will either Love It or Hate It as a First-Timer this can be really off putting – as there’s a strong chance you won’t like Marmite. This led us to think what if there was a way Marmite could ‘sense’ whether you were a Lover or a Hater? How brilliant would that be? Which led us to the brilliantly silly idea of Hate Activated Marmite. A new tech embedded into the jars that would move away from Haters. Simply ridiculous but simplicity has always been the mark of a strong idea.